is a rational and systematic way of forecasting the future of an organization.
is a process of preparing for change by formulating future course of action.
According to Warren (1994), planning is a decision-making activity requiring the
process of ascertaining objectives and deciding on activities to attain these
objectives. Through planning process the manager aims at managing organization
efficiently and effectively.
is an assessment which intends to measure students’ knowledge, skills,
aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics. A test may
be administered verbally, on paper, on a computer or a confined area that
require a test taker to physically perform a set of skills. While Standardized
test refers to any form of a test that requires all students to answer the same
questions, or a selection of questions from common bank of questions, in the
same way and that is scored in a standard or consistent manner, which makes it
possible to compare the relative performance of individual students or group of
By: Banikowski, Alison K., Focus on Exceptional Children, 0015511X, Oct99, Vol. 32, Issue 2
Sensory Register
Working (Short-Term Memory)
Long-Term Memory
What strategies facilitate gaining and maintaining students' attention?
What strategies facilitate activating students' prior knowledge and experiences?
What strategies facilitate actively involving students in the learning process?
What strategies facilitate students' ability to construct meaning?
What strategies facilitate students' demonstrating their learning?
Figure 2 Developmental Aspects of Working Memory
Figure 4 K-W-L Graphic Organizer
is a wonderful trait of human beings. Now, more than ever in history,
scientists are unlocking the secrets to enhancing memory. Memory is
extremely important to educators, not only for them personally as they
age and worry about failing memory, but, most important, for the role
that memory plays in the teaching/learning process. Memory, as a
concept, often is relegated to a minimal role. As noted by Caine and
Caine (1997), "Many of us associate the word memory with the recall of
specific dates or facts or lists of information and sets of
instructions, requiring memorization and effort" (p. 41). Memory,
however, goes beyond this one-dimensional aspect of learning and,
rather, focuses on attending, learning, linking, remembering, and using
the thousand pieces of knowledge and skills we encounter constantly. For
educators, memory is the only evidence that something or anything has
been learned.
Think about it. If students cannot commit knowledge or
skills to memory, even briefly, how can we know they have learned the
knowledge or skill? It conjures up visions of the cartoon where two boys
are talking. The one boy, with his dog at his side, says, "I've taught
my dog how to whistle," and the other little boy says, "Great! Let me
hear him whistle." This prompts the first boy to say, "I said I taught
him how to whistle. I didn't say he learned it!"
For educators,
what's the point? If teaching occurs without learning, we might as well
skip the teaching in the first place! Educators must ensure that
students attend to learning, attach new learning to previous learning,
actively engage in learning, construct meaning, and demonstrate their
learning. All of this requires memory. No true educator simply wants to
"teach"; educators want students to "learn." Educators want learners to
be able to organize, store, and retrieve knowledge and skills. By
applying what we know about how the brain learns and remembers,
educators can focus on the "learning" aspect of the "teaching/learning
process." To assist educators, this article will focus on three aspects
related to memory:
• An information processing model of memory,
• Instructional strategies designed to enhance memory,
• Reasons why we forget.
·Humanrelationtheoryprovideappropriatetrainingandinduction for newemployeesaswellascoachingforall in order todevelop skills ,confidenceandself-reliance
theory, according to Okumbe (1998) is defined as methodical classification of knowledge
functional to problem solving.
theory,accordingto Kothari (2004 ) statethat theory isa setofdetailsaboutaspecific themeandisatoolusedtoexplain,predict andunderstanda particular topic.
according to Matheson (2008) refers as any gathering of data, information and
facts for the advancement of knowledge.
according to Hestom (2005) isdefinedas thesystematicinvestigative process
employedto increase orrevisecurrentknowledgebydiscovering newfacts.
according to Marry ( 1997) canbedefinedasa method, procedure andprocess orruleused ina particularfield or profession;a s etoftheseregardedasstandard.
The following are the relationship
between theory and research as explain below
Thecloseconnection betweentheoryandresearchwasimplied in thediscussion of theirfunctions, statesexplicitthe initial impetusforresearchis thesearch for theorywhile theorydevelopmentreliesonresearchandresearchreliesontheory.
Theoryandresearchasadialectic, a transactionwhereby theorydetermineswhatdataare to becollectedanresearchfindingsprovidechallengestoacceptedtheories.
thenisneithermorenorless than thevehiclefortheorydevelopment .It is the
methodused to gather the dataneededfor thetheory. Thisis truewhether the purposeof theresearch is togeneratea theoryortotestone.Whenthe purpose is theorygeneration,
thephenomenon of interestsuggeststhings to lookfor .Forexample ,if a theory of clients’
perceptionsof factors influencing
stereotypes refer to common beliefs about a person’s behavior or individual
characteristics based on gender. Gender stereotypes have existed throughout
history, with many cultures, even today, insisting that women are less
significant than men based on longstanding cultural viewpoints are.
are causes of gender stereotyping exist
as follows,
Languages themselves in Tanzania. For instance, In
Kiswahili language there is the lexical items that provide evidence of sexism.
McWilliam, 1988, find that in the marriage institutions, example there is words
like Mary “Oa” for men and Married “Olewa” for women which suggest that a man
is active and a woman is passive as far matrimony is concerned.
From the time of birth, most
children are socialized with sex roles. In other words, they are shown by
society what is expected of them as males or females. This is evident in
numerous ways, from the pink and blue clothing distinctions selected for baby
boys and girls, to the sayings that children hear throughout their lives. "Girls
are made of sugar and spice and everything nice." Socialization for boys
and girls demands that boys are aggressive, while girls are more passive in
their behavior. Traditionally, males and females accept these gender stereotypes
as a means of fitting in with the rest of the social order.
Human relations theory refers
to the research of organizational development who study the behavior of people
in groups, in particular workplace groups and other related concepts in fields
such as industrial and organizational psychology. It examined the effects of
social relations, motivation and employee satisfaction on factory productivity.
The theory viewed workers in terms of their psychology and fit with companies,
rather than as interchangeable parts, and it resulted in the creation of the
discipline of human resource management (Hedstom, 2005).
Human relation theory
is the analysis of people's issues that arise due to interpersonal and
organizational relationships. In the business world, human relations are a
critical part of organizational success; an organization may have a wonderful
business plan, but without employees to carry out that plan, it is worthless. (human-relations-movement-in-manage).
The human
relations management theory is a researched belief that people desire to be
part of a supportive team that facilitates development and growth. Therefore
Grapevine provides managers much feedback about employees and their work
experience thus increasing their understanding about their work-force
and work situations. They can plan their actions to take decisions
supportive to the employees.
Employee support:
Mangers can seek support of the, employees through grapevine. It helps
interpret management to the workers, so that they may be more
supportive. It especially helps translate management’s formal orders
into employees’ language and in this. Way making up for the failure of
the management in communication.
Warning signal:
The Grapevine may also serve as advance warning signals for management
of an emerging crisis or indented action by workmen. Thus they gain by
the information they received from the formal groups. They can think
over the problem and its ways out well in advance in order to tackle the
problem efficiently.
Although the media is a pervasive and profoundly influential
socializing force, parents and teachers can make a difference. Young
children are especially vulnerable to the teachings of media because
they don't have the critical capacity necessary to distinguish
between fantasy and reality, to identify persuasive intent, or to
understand irony and disregard stereotypes. The cumulative and
unconscious impact of these media messages can contribute to
limiting the development of a child's potential
Mgahawa mmoja nchini Nigeria katika
jimbo la Anambra umefungwa kufuatia viongozi wenye mamlaka nchini humo
kung’amua kwamba moja ya vyakula vinavyouzwa mgahawani humo ni nyama ya
Polisi walipoitwa mgahawani hapo waliona vichwa viwili
vya binaadamu vipya vyenye kuchuruza damu wakati walipokuwa wakiwakamata
watu kumi na mmoja kutoka mgahawani hapo akiwemo mmiliki wa mgahawa
huo,pia walikamatwa wanawake sita na wanaume wane, baada ya wasamaria
wema kutoa taarifa hizo za kustaajabisha!
Maafisa wa serikali ya Nigeria
katika jimbo la Borno Kaskazini mwa Nigeria wanasema kuwa wanamgambo wa
kiislamu wa kundi la Boko Haram wameuteka tena mji ulioko mpakani wa
Gavana na jimbo la Borno anasema kuwa wanamgambo hao
wameudhibiti kabisa mji huo na kusema kuwa hilo ni pigo kubwa kwa
wanajeshi wa Nigeria.
Mahakama moja nchini Misri imetoa amri ya kunyongwa kwa aliyekuwa rais wa nchi hiyo Mohammed Morsi.
Mahakama hiyo ilimpata na hatia aliyekuwa rais wa Misri Mohammed Morsi kufuatia kuvunjwa kwa magereza mwaka wa 2011.
hii ni msumari katika kidonda cha Morsi ambaye alikuwa tayari
anatumikia kifungo cha miaka 20 jela kwa kuamrisha kukamatwa kwa
waandamanaji waliopinga utawala wake.
Morsi aling'olewa mamlakani na jeshi mwezi Julai mwaka wa 2013 kufuatia kipindi kirefu cha maandamano dhidi ya utawala wake.
A theory is a widely
accepted principle or explanation of nature. In science, a theory is the most
reliable form of knowledge. It is expressed in a logical form and based on
substantial evidence. Research is creative work used to increase the knowledge available
to humankind.
Both theory and research are part of the
scientific method, a process by which knowledge is acquired, corrected and
integrated into the totality of verifiable knowledge.
generate hypotheses that can be proven or disproved by research, the results of
which may cause the theory to be strengthened. The results of research may also
call a theory into question, causing it to be rejected or revised
The theory does not always facilitate an adequate
performance in the school practicum and practice is a forms in which practice
is represented real situations (e.g. in the school practice) examples written
cases, audio-visual cases and oral reports about experiences
is the set of interrelated concept, definitions that present a systematic
people or phenomena by specifying relationship among various variables, while
research can be defined as systematic examinations of the observed information
in order to find answer for questions. (Salm. J 2004).
provides the conceptual understanding of hypothesis and that hypothesis are
used in process of research; example leaders may be taken as hypothesis and
then conduct the research.
present and integrate common framework of developing knowledge and also
knowledge is developing or developed from a research.
function of research is to define ambiguity and misconception surrounding the
theory, example a theory of leaders and may decide to conduct a research
the term “morphology” comes from two words, which are morphos and logos. Morphos means
“form” and logos means “study of”.
Hence morphology is the study of forms.
is study of internal structure of the words
Books- is a plural form
Book-is a ‘root’
is suffix
deals with three things, which are meaning of words, meaningful parts of the
words and structural relationship of words.
means the study of language and society.
refers to the study/branch of linguistics which studies language in relation to
the society. It deals on how language is used in the society.
theory is a formulation of the underlying principles of certain observed
phenomena that have been verified to some extent. A criterion of the power of a
theory is the extent to which it generates predictions that are confirmed when
relevant empirical data are collected. The more a theory receives confirmation
or verification, the more accurate it is. Facts strengthen rather than replace
rules governing a certain language so every language has its own grammar? It is
a knowledge that enables a person to know whether a certain unit is wrong or
right. For example
For some time now men have been seriously accused of beating their wife.
Ask me and I will tell you it is irresponsible for any man to beat her
wife or girlfriend (either of the two). But then there are some other
ways we can do this without actually touching or hitting them
Don’t ask whether it is by denying them of cash – absolutely No! In fact
any man than cannot sustain his wife and children is lazy and not
worthy to be called a man.
Meanwhile this is applicable for everybody. When you have problem with your wife or girlfriend:
1. If she refuses to cook for you show her that you too can do
can do equally do the cooking ( this is note for everybody as not every
guys know how to cook) or you can buy already cooked food outside, bring
it home and eat in front of her. While doing this you can put on some
love song which will irritate her and make her to feel jealous.
2. You can also visit the Mr. Big, Citi chef or any tantalizer with your children without your wife.
3. If you have sexy body with hairy chest or smooth body this can
be of an advantage (Pls don’t ask me if guys are sexy – swagger). grin
4. Play with your children or you can go for site-seeing (with your children only).
5. When together pretend as if you are chatting with your female
colleagues (I don’t mean concubine undecided) in a manner that reminds
her of the good times. Pretend as if she is not their even when you know
she their.
6. When you discover she is remorseful may be you can forgive her (with a smile kiss). Don’t forget its part of the game
Unaweza kudhani kuwa kufanya mapenzi mara nyingi kutakufanya uwe na
furaha zaidi, lakini utafiti mpya umedai kuwa mambo yanaweza kuwa
Watafiti wa Marekani wamebaini kuwa kufanya ngono mara nyingi kunaweza
kupoteza uhalisia, mahaba na hamu. Wanadai kuwa mapenzi ni ‘ubora’ zaidi
kuliko ‘wingi’ na kwamba kufanya zaidi kunaweza kuwafanya wapenzi
Watafiti kwenye chuo kikuu cha Carnegie Mellon walibaini mwanzo kuwa
ngono na furaha si vitu vya moja kwa moja kama inavyofikiriwa. Kuwa na
furaha kwa mfano kunaweza kumfanya mtu kufanya mapenzi zaidi au kuwa na
afya kunaweza kusababisha mtu kuwa na furaha na kutaka kufanya mapenzi
Kama sehemu ya utafiti huo, wanasayansi waliwafanyia majaribio baadhi ya
wapenzi kufanya mapenzi zaidi. Waliripoti kuwa kufanya mapenzi zaidi
hakukuwafanya wawe na furaha zaidi kwasababu kuongezeka kwa kufanya
kulipunguza hamu na raha ya mapenzi.
Watu 128 waliokuwa na umri wa kati 35-65 waliopo kwenye ndoa (wanawake na wanaume) walishriki utafiti huo.
Nime yaandika haya baada ya kuona post ya
Diamond akikosoa vikali tunzo za kill hadi amepitiliza na kuandika
yasiyo tarajiwa pengine alikuwa na hasira sana lakini tusisahau kuwa
hasira haijengi!
Kwangu mimi naona amekosea sana!
Hakuna busara iliyo kuu kama ku kaa kimya! Hapa ndio naamini wasanii
wana hitaji washauri wa karibu kabla ya kuandika au kusema chochote!
yamesemwa na yanaendelea kusemwa kufuatia mvua kubwa iliyonyesha
wilayani Kahama, Shinyanga na kuua watu 45 huku wengine 92 wakijeruhiwa,
achilia mbali waliopoteza makazi yao. Habari za hivi karibuni
zinadai kuwa, mvua hiyo licha ya kutabiriwa na Mamlaka ya Hali ya Hewa
Tanzania (TMA) lakini wakazi wa maeneo hayo wanaamini ina mkono wa bibi
kizee ‘kikongwe’ mmoja ambaye hakutajwa jina.Muonekano
wa nyumba baada ya kuanguka kutokana na mvua kubwa iliyonyesha wilayani
Kahama, Shinyanga na kuua watu 45 huku wengine 92 wakijeruhiwa.
Masanja, ni mkazi wa Kahama ambaye ameliambia Uwazi mwishoni mwa wiki
iliyopita kwamba, bibi kizee huyo hivi karibuni aliingia kwenye mgogoro
na wakazi wa eneo hilo wakimtuhumu kwamba, amekuwa akizuia mvua na
kulifanya eneo hilo kuwa kame kwa muda mrefu.
“Sitaki kukitaja jina kijiji alichotoka lakini huyu bibi, baada ya
mzozo mkubwa aliamua kuondoka na kuahidi kuwa, kama tunataka mvua basi
atatuletea kiasi kikubwa mpaka kushindwa kuizuia,” alisema Masanja. HAIJAWAHI KUTOKEA
Great Trek was a movement of Dutch-speaking colonists up into the interior of
southern Africa in search of land where they could establish their own
homeland, independent of British rule. In 1835 and 1841, 7000 Boer men, women
and children, with further 7000 Boer servants crossed the Orange River and left
the colony permanently. The Boers who trekked away from the cape colony in the
late 1830s were known as the Voortrekkers.[1]
Zaidi ya raia elfu 20 kutoka mkoa wa makamba
na Ruminge nchini Burundi wapo katika eneo la Kagunga mkoani Kigoma
magharibi mwa Tanzania wakitaka kuvuka ziwa Tanganyika na kuingia nchini
Tanzania kwaajili ya kuomba hifadhi.
Shirika la kuhudumia
wakimbizi ulimwenguni UNHCR Tayari limekodi meli kongwe ya mv Liemba
kuwasafirisha raia hao kwenda katika makambi ya wakimbizi ya mkoani
Mwandishi wa BBC Leonard Mubali amesafiri na Meli hiyo hadi katika eneo hilo na kutuandalia taarifa ifuatayo.
iliyonyesha jijini Dar es salaam kwa zaidi ya saa 24 imesababisha
majanga jijini humo.Jeshi la polisi Kanda Maalum ya Dar es Salaam,
limetoa tahadhari na kuwataka watu wanaofanyakazi maeneo ya mjini Posta
na Kariakoo kuwahi kutoka maofisini kutokana na
1. Kujitambulisha Ukweni. Hapo Utatakiwa Uende Kijijini Alikozaliwa Mkeo Mtarajiwa Ukajitambulishe Huko. Kama Mfano Mkeo Anatokea Mwanza, Na Mnaishi Dar, Andaa Nauli Ya Watu Wawili, Malazi Kwa Siku Mbili, Na Utagharamia Shuhuli Hiyo Ya Utambulisho. We Tenga 500,000. Hapo Tuna Assume Mkeo Atajitegemea. Otherwise 800,000 Itakutoka. 2. Kumtambulisha Mkeo Kwenu. Kama Nyie Nyumbani Ni Arusha, Utatakiwa Umpeleke Huko Ngarenanyuki. Sio Umlete Hapo Tabata Mlipopanga. Hapo Sio Kwenu! Andaa Nauli Yako Na Atakaekusindikiza, Nauli Ya Binti Na Mwenzie, Na Gharama Za Vinywaji Na Chakula Siku Hiyo. Utahitaji Kama 700,000.
kubwa ya wanawake wanaofanya biashara ya ngono Mjini Kahama wamedaiwa
kugoma kutumia dawa ya kupunguza makali ya virusi vya ukimwi licha ya
kupima na kubainika wanaishi na maambukizi ya ugonjwa huo badala yake
hutumia kula nyama ya kitimoto kwa madai inapunguza kasi hiyo kuliko
dawa za ARV.
hiyo imeelezwa jana Mjini Kahama na afisa maendeleo ya jamii Mjini
Kahama Fanuel Ruben ambaye amesema ofisi yake imefanya ukaguzi kwenye
madanguro yanayotumiwa na wanawake hao kwa biashara ya ngono na kubaini
wapo wasichana kati ya miaka 15 hadi 20.
hii inafuatia mtafaruku baina ya shirikisho la ligi kuu la Uhispania na
serikali ya taifa kuhusiana na ugavi wa mapato ya haki miliki ya
kupeperusha mechi.
michache tu baada ya kumlaumu mamake mzazi kwa kumroga na kumfanya
apoteze fomu yake, Emmanuel Adebayor anayeichezea timu ya Tottenham
inayoshiriki ligi kuu ya soka nchini Uingereza, amejitokeza na kufichua
jinsi familia yake ilivyomfanya afilisike bila shukrani.
Kupitia ukurasa wake wa facebook, Adebayor ameeleza kuwa
chache tu baada ya msanii wa muziki Jackie Chandiru wa nchini Uganda
kufunga ndoa na mumewe ambaye ni raia wa kigeni Van Vliet, imegundulika
kuwa, mwanaume huyo tayari alikuwa na ndoa na mrembo Adut Mawien.
msanii wa muziki Uganda Jackie Chandiru akiwa na mumewe huku kulia mumewe akiwa na mrembo Adut Mawien
Gazeti la Risasi la leo limeripoti kuwa Mataa wa bongo
movies ambao ni mashosti wa kufa na kuzikana, Wema Isaac Sepetu na Aunt
Ezekiel Grayson wanadaiwa kugombana baada ya Aunt ‘kuposti’ kwenye
ukurasa wake wa Instagram tangazo lililohusiana na pati ya mwandani wa
mwanamuziki Nasibu Abdul ‘Diamond Platnumz’, Zarinah Hassan ‘Zari The
Boss Lady’ iliyofanyika Mlimani City jijini Dar wikiendi iliyopita.
Kufuatia baadhi ya mashabiki kumlaumu kwa kitendo chake cha kuhudhuria
shoo ya Zari All White Party, staa wa Bongo Movies, Kajala Masanja
amefunguka kwa ukali kuwataka watu kumuacha na maisha yake kwa sababu
Akiongea na gazeti la Risasi la leo, Kajala alisema amekuwa
mvumilivu kwa muda mrefu lakini kitendo cha watu kutaka kumpangia nini
cha kufanya au wapi pa kwenda, kimevuka mipaka maana hawajui alipotoka
wala anakokwenda.
“Watu wanazidi sasa, wanataka kunipangia wapi pa kwenda na wapi siyo
pa kwenda, kwani kwenda kwa Zari kuna tatizo gani, kwa hiyo mtu akiwa
na tofauti na Wema, kila mmoja lazima atofautiane na huyo mtu? hayo
mambo ya wapi jamani, watu wasinipangie maisha ya kuishi,” alisema
SEA, I have kept these stories for a long time but I think today it
is worth sharing some of them with you. It’s true that family matters
should be solved internally and not in public but I am doing this so
that hopefully all families can learn from what happened in mine. Also
keep in mind that none of this is about money.
All three
Algerian clubs in the Champions League have been drawn in the same
group, the first time in history such an incident has occurred.
Holders Entente Setif will face compatriots USM Alger
and MC Eulma in Group B, with Al Merreikh of Sudan completing the pool.
The top 12 performing countries in the continent usually provide two clubs.
But because Entente Setif won the competition last year, Algeria had a rare third entry in the competition.
The draw for the groups was conducted at the Confederation of African Football headquarters near Cairo on Tuesday.
TP Mazembe Englebert of the Democratic Republic of
Congo, the only club to qualify from outside the Arabic-speaking north
of the continent, were drawn in Group A, alongside Smouha (Egypt),
Moghreb Tetouan (Morocco) and Al Hilal (Sudan).
The group phase begins in late June with the top two
from each pool advancing to the two-legged semi-finals in September and
October. The final, in October and November, will also be played over
two legs.
Group A:
Smouha (Egypt), Moghreb Tetouan (Morocco), TP Mazembe Englebert (DR Congo), Al Hilal (Sudan)
Group B:
Entente Setif (Algeria, holders), USM Alger (Algeria), Al Merreikh (Sudan), MC Eulma (Algeria)
Tottenham striker Emmanuel Adebayor has publicly laid bare some of the personal issues that have disrupted his career.
The 31-year-old Togo international
was granted personal leave by his club last December
and has struggled this season.
On Tuesday he posted
a lengthy message on his Facebook page,
giving an insight into the cause of what he described in March as his
"dark moments".
In the post Adebayor revealed the financial burden of supporting his family as well as ongoing conflicts.
However, he urged his readers to "keep in mind that
none of this is about money" and said the "main purpose is not to expose
my family members. I just want other African families to learn from
He wrote: "I have kept these stories for a long time
but I think today it is worth sharing some of them with you. It's true
that family matters should be solved internally and not in public but I
am doing this so that hopefully all families can learn from what
happened in mine."
Adebayor's complicated family life led to Spurs giving
him time off. After returning to London he almost left the club on
transfer deadline day in January to join West Ham.
His open message on social media appears to be an attempt to answer some of the questions about why he was
allowed to return home to Togo.
In 17 appearances for the London club this season, Adebayor has scored only twice.
said moms can’t be sexy?…Actress Kajala Masanja is a mother of a
teenager daughter named Paula, Despite being at her early 30s Kajala
still looks more than sexy. Check out her new photo shoot by Slide Visual to promote her upcoming movie titled PISHU to release on 1 May. The film also stars Hemedy and Senga in leading roles.
Masanja who used to be Wema Sepetu’s best friend before the sour of
their friendship has given her thoughts on Wema Sepetu’s incapability to
get pregnant. Kajala said she doesn’t think Wema can’t get a child in
her life, she said Wema is still young and she should look for doctors
specialized in the matter and also should pray everyday.
Kajala said all that after a Globalpublishers paparazzi asked her about Wema Sepetu’s issue “I pray for her, but I don’t believe she
can’t get a child in her whole life, I don’t believe, It hurts, I
advise her not to be hurt or so sad, and people should stop talking
badly about her, but if Wema is ready to adopt a child I’m ready to help
her, I still believe she can have a child to raise like hers” said
Mpanda seeking a kick from Zari?….some said Yes after the struggling
singer and actress threw shades to Zari on her Instagram. Isabella
posted a photo of Zari’ legs and captioned….
” forgive me her followers but she
doesn’t look stunning with pregnancy, secondly she isn’t sexy her legs
like a date(tende), her pregnancy looks so rough, in short she isn’t
sexy even if she isn’t pregnant, her body isn’t sexy at all” said the
scandalous Isabella
didn’t end there, she praised Wema Sepetu saying she is so hot and sexy
not like Zari “my neighbor, my relative, my friend, you are sexy since
long time ago I have said it” wrote Isabella and posted Wema’s photo
seen below, but she later on deleted the post though she was attacked by
team Zari while team Wema praised her.
A: Orodha ya Walimu na Mafundi Sanifu Maabara Ajira Mpya
Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu - TAMISEMI inatangaza ajira ya
wahitimu wa mafunzo ya ualimu na mafundi sanifu maabara katika mamlaka
ya Serikali za Mitaa kama ifuatavyo:-
i. walimu wa cheti (Daraja IIIA) kwa ajili ya shule za msingi 11,366;
ii. walimu wa stashahada 4,151 na shahada 12,490 kwa ajili ya shule za sekondari
iii. mafundi sanifu maabara 264 kwa ajili kusimamia maabara na kuandaa masomo ya sayansi kwa vitendo katika shule za sekondari
B: Utaratibu Ajira Mpya kwa Walimu na Mafundi Sanifu Maabara
Kila mwajiriwa mpya anatakiwa kuzingatia yafuatayo:-
i. walimu wenye sifa waliohitimu mafunzo kwa mwaka wa
masomo 2013/14 wamepangwa pamoja na walimu wa sekondari wa masomo ya
sayansi na hisabati waliohitimu miaka ya nyuma na wameomba kuajiriwa;
ii. kuripoti kuanzia tarehe 01 Mei hadi 09 Mei 2015 kwenye
Ofisi za Wakurugenzi wa Halmashauri kwa ajili ya kuajiriwa na kupangwa
vituo vya kazi;
iii. kuwasilisha vyeti halisi vya taaluma ya kuhitimu mafunzo, elimu ya sekondari, cheti cha kuzaliwa pamoja na nakala zake;
iv. hakutakuwa na mabadiliko ya vituo vya kazi; na
v. fedha za kujikimu kwa muda wa siku saba (7) na nauli ya
usafiri wa magari (ground travel) zitatolewa kwenye halmashauri husika
baada ya kuripoti.