Saturday, June 29, 2013


Chini hapo ni Uongozi wa chuo kikuu Kisanji,Wanafunzi na  Picha ya mwili wa Marehemu (mwanafunzi-second year) katika chuo cha TEKU,Aliyepoteza maisha baada ya kuugua kwa muda mrefu na tatizo la mguu alilolipata baada ya kupata ajali katika eneo la Soweto- Mbeya. Ukisafirishwa kwenda kuzikwa nyumbani kwao.

              May God rest his soul in eternal peace.AMEN

Thursday, June 27, 2013




Many people automatically assume that conflict is related to lower group and organizational performance. This chapter has demonstrated that this assumption is frequently incorrect. Conflict can be either constructive or destructive to the functioning of a group or unit

STATES IN EAST AFRICA;;;;;;;;;; What are the relationship of long distance trade and state formation in East Africa in the Development/transformation of East Africa?

A very important time in the history of our world was the East Africa long distance trade. In the middle of the 17th century, East Africa had a far more important place in the world than other African countries. The riches of East Africa were incomparably greater than those of the other African states.[1] East African countries were the first African countries to be involved in long distance trade. Long distance trade resulted in the development of partnership between the rulers of European countries and those of Africa who saw each other as equals. Some of the earliest European visitors to Africa recognized that many African societies were as advanced or even more advanced than their own.[2] In the early 16th century, the Portuguese trader Duarte Barboosa stayed of the East African city Kilwa. There were many fair houses of stone and mortar, well arranged streets. Around it were streams and orchards with many channels of sweet water. The inhabitants of Kilwa he reported, there were finely clad in many rich garments of gold, silk, cotton and the women as well; also with much gold and silver in chains bracelets, which they wore in their legs and arms and many jeweled earrings in their ears.
Generally, long distance trade in East Africa was the kind of trade which involved the trading activities between the Swahili speaking people, Arabs and European countries like France (taking slaves to work in the sugar plantation in Europe). It was conducted through long caravan routes of East African interior states. There were three main routes during the long distance trade. There was Southern route which was mainly dominated by the Yao people, also Northern route which was dominated by the Kamba and central route which was mainly dominated by the Nyamwezi people from Tanganyika. The means of trade was based on barter trade (exchange of goods by goods). The trade was conducted during the early 19th century A.D. The major participants were involved the Swahili speaking people of East Africa and Arabs. The commodities which were mostly involved for exchange were guns powder, guns, clothes and beads from outside world. Ivory, gold, silver, silk and slaves from East Africa.
  State is an organized community under one government, or forming part of a republic.[3] State during the trade were controlled by African local chiefs, for stance in central route under Nyamezi chiefdom, the chief were called Mirambo. The chiefs were responsible for collecting tributes, maintaining peace of the society and maintaining the welfare of the people.  [4]
The trade relation has been an international debate over 100 years. With most Economist and Historians who believes that long distance trade was destructive to East Africans economic, political and cultural systems. While other argues that long distance trade was effectual to East Africans economic, political and cultural systems. Therefore the following were the relationship between the long distance trade and states formation on the transformation of East African societies.
The spread of Swahili language in the interior of the East Africa societies especially alongside the trade routes. Swahili language was developed from the coastal areas to the interior. Language  was the major means of communication, through this it was easy for the local people tom organized and unites together to form the humble state. It obviously that language has a power of uniting people of the same cultural background together as the single unit. People formed one centralized state under the kingship like Kabaka for protection and governance.
There were development of the new towns and cites like Ujiji , Tabora. The growth of towns and cities were mostly influenced by trade. There were construction of the modern roads, houses for marketing and areas for recreation to mention only few. As the facts many people shifted from their home and fled to town areas for trading purpose. The massive influx of people in  increased population in town. This facilitated the formation of the state  to provides security to the local population against invades, hence the transformation of the East African societies.
Trade led to the development of the large political units based on military and economic superiority. Notably the Mirambo of the Nyamwezi empire, Tipu-Tippu, Nyungu Yamawe were the leaders who organized the societies to form one centralized state. These political figures were the products of people who controlled the trade activities and they participated fully during the trade exchange. They provide security and controlled the local population. The leaders were to facilitate the conquered of other weak states as an attempt to acquire more land for the production activities. As a result of possessing large area of land the society was able to engage in different economic activities such as agriculture, trade itself and pastoralist, hence the transformation of East African societies.
The spread of Islam in the interior of East Africa from the costal area by Arabs during the trade activities. The Arabs controlled the trade and in other hand spread the Islamic religion. Religion brought peace, units and solidarity among the people of East African societies. Thus people came together and form the centralized states for the betterment of their society. The availability of peace, solidarity and unity necessitate the transformation of the East African societies.
New crops were introduced in the interior such as rice, cassava, guavas and maize. These crops were introduced by the people from the outside like Arabs and Portuguese. New crops ensured the East African societies with high availability of raw materials for food and exchange in trade. Many societies therefore grew as possible because surplus production were ensured in the local population. Thus the trade prosper and hence the transformation of the East African societies.
The rulers had an expansion policy over the weak states as an attempt to gain control of the routes, markets and production areas notably Kabalega of Bunyoro. Different states used guns and other iron weapons acquired from the trade to conquer weak societies.[5] More land were acquired which increased production activities and enhance the trading activities during the trade. People migrates to the states with the availability of big land and security thing which cause the population growth and hence the transformation of East African societies to the next level of development.
African local chiefs acquired tributes in the trade caravan routes for stance Nyamwezi in the central route got commodities and values from the traders. The traders contributed some of their goods to the state as the part of the contribution on using the trade route. The commodities like beads, clothes, and guns were acquired during the long distance trade. The tributes helped the states developments and transformation as for stance weapons helped for the security and conquering other weak states.
Development of agricultural activities which was mostly influenced by the development of iron technology and introduction of the new crops such as cassava and rice. Agriculture increased surplus production which provides materials for trading exchange and food for the local population. Thus the development of the agriculture enhance trading activities and development of the societies as well as the transformation of the East African states, hence the development of the complex societies governed by the single state.
The trade led to the emergence of the specialization among the people in the society. People were engaged in different activities such as the craftsmen and artisans thing which provides different commodities for trade exchange. This fact was very important during the trade because it enhance the trade development since people exchange different commodities and values from other societies which they could not produce. As the result many societies grew and hence the transformation of the East African societies. 
    The trade led to the interaction and intervention for the very first time between the people of the East African societies and outside world. This gave the opportunity of acquiring new experience in trading activities and relationship with different races in the world. By doing so, the East African societies were transformed to the global world of the interaction and intervention. Due to this, formation of state and transformation were inevitable to the East African societies during the trade.    
Also, there were increased of the population which was the result of the trade. Surplus production and the migration of people from the rural to urban center were increased. In the area such as Ujiji in Tabora (Nyamwezi chiefdom) population were increased steadily due to the trading activities took place in the area. The population transformed the societies into the complex social system governed by the single state.
Generally, the long distance trade associated with the state formation and transformation of the East African societies where there were emergence of the towns, complex societies and military base, strong leadership and advanced agricultural economy. East African societies were automatically transformed to the new way of living. In other hand, the trade relationship brought negative impacts to the local population. Many people were taken to Europe and Asia as a slaves (loss of man power), decline of the African traditional culture to mention only few. But generally the trade put the foundation to the East African transformation and development of the societies.Moreover, the tribes were not static and unchanging as they have often been portrayed. Tribes were developing and interacting.[6]

E.S. Atieno Odhiambo,T.Louso & J.F.M Williams,(1977). A History of East
                    Africa, Longman
                         Group Limited: China.               
Karugire, A.R,(1980). A Political History of Uganda, Nairobi, Heinemann
                    Education Book.
Marsh, Z.A &Kingsnorth G.W,(1965). An Introduction to the History of East
                   Africa, University
                         Press: Cambridge.  
   Tarimo,E.J.(2004), An Iintroduction to  Africa History to 1880. East Africa

[1] Marsh ,Z.A&Kingsnorth G.W,(1965). An Introduction to the History of East Africa.University Press: Cambridge
[2] Walter                                                                                                                                                 
[3] Oxford Dictionary 6th Edition
[4] Karugire, A.R.(1980). A Political History of Uganda, Nairobi. Heinemann Education  Book.
[5] See A History of  East Affica(1997). Odhiambo, E.S Atieno, T.Louso
&J.F.M Williams.
[6] Source A History of East Africa (1977) Odhiambo, E.S Atieno, T.Louso,&J.F.M Williams.

J.Lonster said tha,“There is no doubt that the consolidation of the class and state has been the joint process in Africa as well”. Comment this statement

A process of development of a centralized government structure in a situation where one did not exist prior to its development its development is referring to as a state formation. The study of state formation is divided generally into the study of early states which include those that developed in stateless societies and modern states. Modern states particularly of the form that developed in Europe in the 1600’s and spread around the world (wikipedia the free encyclopedia).
          Also, a state can be defined as organized community under one government, or forming part of a republic (Oxford Dictionary 6th Edition).
          Generally state is a political unit with centralized leadership and institutions. The state is made up by two organs that are oppressive and ideology machines. The ideological apparatus includes philosophy of the state, religion, education system and ethics purposeful for creating obedience and loyality to the ruling class. Another one is oppressive organ which includes army, court, prisons and police to safe guard the interests of the ruling class against ruled majority.
          Early states formation focuses on processes that create and institutionalize a state in a situation where a state did not exist before. Examples of these states that developed in interaction with other states include state like the Aegean Bronze Age Greek civilization and the Malagasy civilization in Madagascar. Also, the list typically includes the first states to develop in Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus river valley, North China, Peru and Mesoamerica. Early states formation causation can thus include borrowing, imposition and other forms of interaction with already existing states (Fiero, G.K, 2002).
          There are number of different theories and hypotheses regarding early state formation that seek generalizations to explain the state formations. Scholars also argue why the state developed in some places but not others. Other scholars believe that generalizations are unhelpful and that each case of early state formation should be treated on its own.
          Viewing, J.Lonster in his historiography survey of state and social process in Africa concluded that, “There is no doubt that the consolidation of the class and state has been the joint process in Africa as well”. J.Lonster try to describe the relationship between classes and state and how their interconnected. The statement imply the effect of one to another, this means the existence of classes may result to the state formation and state itself may formalize the classes. The people of the high class normally want to protect their interests against the lower class. Thus J.Lonster considers the consolidation of class and state as a joint process. This can be analyzed in various ways such as follows:


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akikagua banda la ngombe wanaofugwa kisasa wa familia ya Raphael Masanja katika kijiji cha Nyamigege katika jimbo la Uchaguzi la Msalala wilayani Kahama akiwa katika ziara ya mkoa wa Shinyanga Februari 25, 2012;

Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akiwa amempakata mtoto Raphael Mihayo (2) wakati alipokagua mradi wa ufugaji wa ng'ombe wa kisasa kwenye familia ya Mzee Raphael Masanja katika kijiji cha Nyamigege wilayai Kahama akiwa katika ziara ya mkoa wa Shinyanga Februari 25, 2012.

Msanii Toogwa Madilisha wa Kijiji cha Chela katika jimbo la uchaguzi la Msalala wilayani Kahama akicheza ngoma ya pachanga wakati Waziri Mkuu Mizengo Pinda alipohutubia Mkutano wa hadhara katika kijiji hicho akiwa katika ziara ya mkoa wa Shinyanga, Februari 25, 2012.

‘The Prime Minister managed to Reach various villages including Chela ward and Nyamigege in Busangi ward,where he opened the Project of  Agriculture Irrigations”

BY  Sir  Makoye  A.  Mkazi  wa Chela.

PSYCHOLOGY QUESTION::::;;;; What are factors for the Group Formation?

            Group is an interaction of two or more people and share common identity, altitude and purpose. Or it refers to the minimum who came together on a free and voluntary basis and a spirit of co-operation expressed by mutual love and assistance sister or brother hood, Justice and Honesty to work together for mutual social and Economic benefit. In this case a group might be a women group registered with National council of women, District community Development department(By Phil Bartel,1987).Also group refers to number of things or people that are located close together or are considered or classed together(extracted from
              There many types of Group  but can be categorized into the following Groups: Formal and Informal Group. Also there some processes or stages of Group formation as follows; Forming Group means comes together, Storming Group means providing roles to members,Norming Group assigning agreements on their goals, Performing Group means Implementation of the provided roles and responsibilities and Adjourning Group means the achievements of their and End of the group surviving because of either goals has been achievements or disagreements.
 Group formation refers to the process of getting together and share common interests, altitudes, and purposes within the members. Group formation does not comes from the vacuum ,it has some several influences factors for joining and forming Group as follows;
 To maintain the Interest.People do form group  in order to maintain their interests,example,a person can form a group so that to either gain profit from  the goals like the group can be formed with purpose of helping disabled people, this will enable the member  to continue having things from that group because such kind of group will be assisted with some funds in order to boost their roles established.
 To get security from others, some people form group in order to get security from their fellows, example the formed group is about to resist against terrorism. This will enable the members when is being attacked by the terrorists, their fellow members will help him to search them hence unity over Inhuman acts. Also it so called “ulinzi shirikishi”
To achieve the personal goals. People form group in order to achieve their goals.Example the Group formed at various Universities like Ant corruption Group, this aimed at imparting knowledge to the members whereby at the end of the year of studies each member will be having his or her own way ,this is because they had achieved their goals.
 To maintain Prestige.Other people form group in order to proceed praised by the other people.Example,the Group formed to deal with the investigation of people who are corrupt or any formed committee, to these groups the people seemed to be having high position or rank in Government will form the group, Also people are likely to form Group with the people who have the same economic status so that to maintain their prestige hence their can not form with the poor one while are in different level of economic matters. By doing so the maintain their status to others.
  Physical proximity. This means that people are likely to form the Group with the people from the same area. Example the people who comes from the same village are likely to form Group than those who comes from different villages, this is because have the same altitudes,aims,purpose and culturally the same, this can help them to organize early than those comes from different places hence this can be the great factor hindering group formation.
 The factor of being rewarded. Some people form group in order to get some thing, example some project has been introduced by either the Government or by a certain great person and produce some conditions for attaining it like He or she need five people, automatically the people are likely to form the Group in order to have qualifications for being rewarded. Also this factor more influential to more people because every body need to be rewarded, example the Team of football players they do form and struggle hard in  order to achieve a certain goals they targeted at that time.
  To pull together scarce resources, own and manage themselves in order to fight against poverty, food shortage, powerlessness of an individual person against market forces, Unemployment and low self esteem. These things force the people to Group in order to overcome these things hence group formation.
Physical  attraction. Individual who are physically attractive might form a Group, example, young and energetic boys and girls. This is among strong factor which influence group  formation among people who are interesting to each other.
The factors for social support. This lead the people to form the group so that would be able to be provided with either in time of Crisis actually people form Group so that to settle their problems facing them, examples are SAC COS,VIKOBA,and circle contribution of women around the street.
 The cultural factors persons who come to work from various society and culture. It happen when they place of work is far from their place of original region and culture they do not feel uncomfortable at work. The person could be absence of the culture celebration. This is one of the reason for which an individuals coming from the same culture. tradition and speaking similar language usually from the Group.
 By concluding, Although Group formation it can lead to some positive and negative Impacts, example it can lead to disagreements over the set goals, and can lead to the decline of the Group, also it can lead to the high efficiencies like achievements of their goals established by the members.




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