Monday, October 27, 2014

Qn, No.2: A country that avoids borrowing of education aspects from the external education systems is likely to dig its own grave. To what extent borrowing be taken with a great care?

Education is the process of imparting knowledge, skills, value from old generation to young generation or from young generation to old generation
Education is the form of learning in which the knowledge, skills and habits of the group of people are transferred from one generation to next through teaching, training or research

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Examine the role of the ruling Government to sustain the basic Education in developing country like Tanzania.

Education is a process by which the individual acquires knowledge and skills necessary for appreciating and adapting to the environment and ever-changing social, political and economic conditions of society and as means by which one can realize one’s full potential.
Education involves knowledge, skills, values, altitudes that individual acquire through teaching, training or research from one generation to another.
Basic education means the compulsory level of education that everyone in the country must acquire
A government is the system by which a state or community is governed
Government refers to the larger system by which any state or community organized. In the case of its broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislators, administrators, and arbitrators. Government is the means by which state policy is enforced, as well as the mechanism for determining the policy of the state. A form of government, or form of state governance, refers to the set of political systems and institutions that make up the organization of a specific government.

Government is the group of people that has the power to rule in a territory according to the law.
Ruling government is the government which is exercising power, for example Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) or authority for a particular period of time.
Basic education is the whole range of education activities setting where is formal, non-formal and informal that aim to meet basic learning needs according to the international stands class features of education (ISCED) basic education comprises primary education and secondary education.
Sustainable education is the education that allows every human being to acquire knowledge, skills, altitude and values necessary to shape present and future generation.
For the provision of sustainable education the government should done the following in education system;
Government should do research on education aspect so as to enhance social, psychological and benefit to the child to enhance high quality o early child education (pre - primary) tertiary.
To put much effort on early year experience, has positive effect on sub sequence education achievement example playground, play activities, books etc. because when preschools is of high quality it lead to lasting in hence of education performance and later employment.
Provision of universal early child hood education and primary, there must be policy for preprimary and primary schools.
Improve relationship between family, child and communication e.g. coast sharing and communication between them.
Provision of compulsory education to low levels, of education government should extend loan to secondary school education level to enable every Tanzanian to acquire ordinary level education.
Provision of professional teacher to all level of education example United Kingdom from pre- high education has professional teachers.
Government should encourage private sectors, to invest in education in all levels so as to make competition on education system and to increase the interest and attitudes of learners in their studies in order to advance their academic performance.
Provide quality and equity opportunity education to every child, regardless the status of children and personality so as to make quality education to all students in the country by preparing good environment, qualified teachers and enough materials in all levels.
Government has to stimulate child centered curriculum and environment where children feel happy and secure. For example play opportunity to students, tripartite cooperation in the class learning and other education activities.
The government has to state clear the education policy, philosophy and the ideology of education and must implement those policies.
 Policies making, government through ministry of education make policies about education where government sort plans, aims and objectives of basic education  that everyone must acquire example in 1995 ministry of education made education policy where Prof Philemon Sarungi was minister of education and culture Tanzania has persistently stressed that socio-economic development is only meaning if it encompasses the needs, expectations and roles of all the individual beneficiaries of the results of development efforts in the whole society, on account of that the country’s development policy has always policy has aimed at combating poverty, ignorance and disease. In developing countries like Tanzania government is not making enough policies example Tanzanian education policy is of 1995 and now 2014 it’s about nearly two decades using the same education policy
Provide and improve education infrastructures, rolling government should provide school facilities like that will create conducive environment for sustain basic education government should accommodate all students to acquire such education and also should improve those infrastructures when needed. Infrastructure is wide term that includes building of schools inside the schools there must be classrooms, laboratories, libraries also sports and games grounds though this comes to be very difficult to developing countries like Tanzania due to deficit budget fail to provide enough and improve infrastructures that make education sustaining become very difficult
Training and recruit Teachers, government has role of teaching training and employ teachers and distribute them to different schools around the country so as to fulfill the requirement of basic education and this is done by ministry of education where all teaching training colleges are under the ministry and all private colleges are registered under the ministry so as to regulate them. This is challenge to developing country like Tanzania where there are not enough teachers also there are low payment to teachers available.
 Educational research sponsorship, government provide support to researchers in education discipline about to modify or change in curriculum so as to help government to improve their education policies. So government through education commissions conducts different researches so as to help in sustaining basic education to all citizens through different research reports. In developing country like Tanzania government put less attention on educational research that make to have outdated curriculum and lack innovations.
To evaluate curriculum implementation, government though ministry of education has to evaluate if the presented curriculum implemented as its proposed by the government and make sure that aims and objectives are implemented so as everyone must have basic education. Government through supervisory bodies assess the implementation of the state curriculum
Financing education budgets, government has to finance education budget so as to sustain basic education for all majority. But its challenge to developing countries where educational budget is less financed compared to other sectors also compared to developed countries education budget is about less than 3% of the national budget in Tanzania. And this make the difficulties in sustaining basic education.
Generally to sustain  basic education is rolling government responsibility though in developing countries like Tanzania government fail to play their roles in fulfilling their responsibility this is due to economic situations, political situation make government to put much emphasis in other aspects that are tangible and give them political attention and influence. So at the end government fail to sustain basic education.

Using Tanzania as a focal country, explain why education system of the world is not similar.

Education is a process of imparting knowledge, skills, values and ideas from one generation to another generation.
Education system refers to the formal institute, agency and organization of a country that transmits knowledge and cultural heritage to individual.
Comparative education is the study of different education system and determining their strength and weakness. Comparative education is the most effective way of explaining the behavior educational system in terms of teaching subject, the curriculum, education policy or management.
Education does not means the same thing in all society, it may have quite different aims ,operate  under different conditions and be assessed by different criteria’s thought the differences are not absolute, there are much to be said for emphasizing the differences as there are likely to be overlooked or misunderstood one has to go directly into cross cultural comparisons. For example politicians or even senior managers in education found for reinforcing their arguments with assorted pieces of evidence from the experiences of other countries (pg. 173).
Those evidence may be wrong is not real the point even when the information was accurate, it could be easily to be used with little appreciation of the differences between other system and one’s own (grant 1968).
The following are the factors that mark the differences of education system in the world.
The issue of language, the education system of the world does differ in language there are those country that use monolingual in their education while other country use bilingual in education system and there are those which uses multilingual thus this mark for the differences in education system. For example in Tanzania in education system uses Kiswahili and English as the medium of instruction in primary, secondary and higher level while British uses only English language as the medium of instruction in all levels.
Belief and tradition (culture), this makes educational status of a country due to that each country value education differently while some societies give first priority on education others do not. For example in Tanzania education is not given much emphasize from different culture or society due to the local government being there while other country value education in different ways like United states of America devote the great deal of time to socialization and preparation of students for life  and social communication skills, the same could be said of a Germany gymnastic  teacher impressing of the games and character building by which some remain grammar school still set such store (pg. 175).
Economic situation in Tanzania the issue of financing in education is still low in a such a way that low resources are set for the system  thus issue like building school facilities ,building teacher houses, salaries and other resources for the system is still a problem in Tanzania while in U.S.A financing is much more independent on the sources of particular area where school are located, standards therefor in U.S.A vary greatly from one state to another while in Tanzania whole system  resources depends on the  central government which give little priority and fund to education system (pg. 175).
International conferences, there has been the increase power of international agencies over education policy and practice worldwide. The increased cross cultural transfers shown by the impact on the post society union countries in Europe where curricula policy and very purpose of education has been through considerable transformation (crossly and Watson (2003).for example poor countries like Tanzania that always transfer education system from other countries due to the attending of international conference hence fail to implement well the system copied from other systems example big result now policy.
Structure of education, various systems organize their education differently preferring in some cases to make the main division of primary /secondary education .For example in Tanzania the age for compulsory education is 7-14 or 6-13 and is not for vocation but is just compulsory and does not give any experience to the students. While countries like England and wales school is for children between the age of 5-11, Scotland from 5-12.similary the term secondary school may mean the entire stage from pre adolescence on ward.
Political philosophy, usually political and philosophy of a nation determine the education system of a particular country that always goes hand in hand with the need of the society. Taking example of Tanzania we had education for self-reliance in 1967 later on we adopted the education policy of Malaysia  namely big result now that could not meet the need of the society as it didn’t provide any changes in the society rather added more chaos as it lead to poor qualification of education system.
Historical background of a country influence education system of that country which makes differences to others, due to this Tanzania colonized by German and British as result of adopting British education system which basing much on collar job and dependent each and every thing from them leading dependent of everything from developed countries in all aspect.
Demographic the matter of population is very important for any development including in education system. The population of the country helps good planning and management of the country to achieve their goals to be successful. The number of people influences education system of a particular country. For example in Tanzania population is not controlled in all aspect of living.
Geographical location of the country influences the kind of education system to a particular country. For example countries which are surrounded by seas, oceans, lakes or livers are likely to be dominated by fishing in their education system like Egypt, and Chinese practice much irrigation education and other nations their education is based on agriculture.   
Despite of the presence of these differences that exist in education system, the education that is provided must make a person fit in their society and promote sustainable development.

Principle of child development in Psychology

Psychology is the study of mental processes, behavior, and the relationship between them. Mental processes include skills like learning, reasoning, emotion, and motivation (Erikson, E.1968) .
Development in the context of psychology is the series of orderly progression towards maturity that implies overall qualitative changes resulting in the improved function of an organism.
Child psychology, also called child development, the study of the psychological processes of children and, specifically, how these processes differ from those of adults, how they develop from birth to the end of adolescence, and how and why they differ from one child to the next (Berk, L. E.2009) .
 Principle is a law or rule that has to be, or usually is to be followed, or can be desirably followed, or is an inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws observed in nature or the way that a system is constructed. Its users as the essential characteristics of the system, or reflecting system’s designed purpose understand the principles of such a system, and the effective operation or use of which would be impossible if any one of the principles was to be ignored.
Significant principles underlying in the process of growth and development .There are certain significant principles underlying in the process of growth and development that is Cephalous caudal principle, proximal distal principle and maturation principle. Also other principle can discussed as follows:
 Development follows a pattern. The process of development is not haphazard but gradual and regular. We will find a particular pattern or sequence of development. In the cephalous-caudal sequence, that is. Development proceeds from head to toe and proximal-distal sequence in this pattern direction of development proceeds from centre to the other parts of the body.
Growth is continuous and gradual. Growth always brings about certain change in the organism. However, these changes do not take place suddenly. It is a continuous process. All the parts of body continue to grow gradually until they reach their maximum through infancy early childhood, late childhood.
Growth proceeds more rapidly during early years. The rate of growth is not uniform. The child grows more rapidly during early years and slowly during the later years. Growth during early years is so rapid that it is easily noticeable and growth becomes slow at the later stages.
Development proceeds from general to specific. The child first shows general responses as a whole. Then gradually he gives specific response to specific stimuli. The child moves his whole hand to indicate certain thing instead of one finger. In the emotional aspect he responds through only general response like crying & smile to denote, hunger, pain & Joy and the baby produces general babbling sounds, before he can speak words.
Development is a product of heredity and environment. Heredity and environment have considerable impact on the growth and development of the child. The child is born with some genetically endowments and develops by interacting with his environment. Neither heredity nor environment is the sole factor responsible for the development of a child. Nutrition, home climate and school environment regulate social, emotional and intellectual development while child inherits physical stature and different traits from his parents.
Most of the traits are correlated. The physical and the mental development of the child are mostly correlated to each other. A child who has a good physical health is also above average in intelligence. A child whose intelligence is above average is also so in health size, sociability, attitudes and aptitudes. But this may not be always true.
Growth is not uniform. Different parts of body grow at different rates. Not all parts of body can grow at the same rate. At birth, head is one fourth of the body in length. Later other parts of body grow very fast until it reaches maturation.
Development is predictable. In many cases, it is possible to predict the type of probable development a child will follow, because the rate of development follows a Pattern. As it is possible to predict intelligence of a person with the help of an intelligence test given in earlier years. 'X'-rays of the bones of different parts of the body will tell approximately, what will be the ultimate size.
Therefore, although there child developmental principle in psychology .this does not mean that every child should grow in the same procedure and this means it can vary from one child to another. Example one can grow from the center of the body to another parts (proximal distal) and one can proceed from head to the toe (cephalous caudal).

Berk, L. E. (2009). Child Development. Eighth ed. United States of
America: Pearson Education, Inc.
Erikson E. (1968). Identity, Youth, and Crisis. New York: Norton




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