Saturday, November 30, 2013


PowerPoint is a Computer program that allow you to create and show slides to support presentation, you can combine text, graphics and Multi-media content to create professional presentations.

Procedure on how to start presentation.
1) Start PowerPoint by either of two methods
2)Go to start menu. Choose programs and then click on Microsoft PowerPoint .
3)Double click the icon of any PowerPoint document. When you double-click a PowerPoint document, PowerPoint opens with the document already loaded
                Things to consider when interact with power point.
          Make sure there is link between input and output (computer and projector). Link is done through video graphic array cable (VGA).
          Auto shapes contain fundamental tools used in drawing.    
          You can magnify your texts or graphs by using font size.
          You can enlarge your text or graphs by holding shift button and click function key f5 button.
        You can come back by click function key esc.

                How to add a new slide

              A new slide can be created through the following procedures
  1. By point a caser downward the previous slide from left and right click to choose a new slide.
  2. By point a caser inside of any slide, from left then right click to choose new slide
  3. Also from the right your can select a new slide by pointing a caser  from any slide layout of your choice and it will display, as indicated from the right side of your spread sheet.

             Explanation on how to use slides

  1. First slide always demanding your title.
  2. Next others need description or text layout only.
  3. Others can divide slide into two parts
  4. Others need content of different picture, graph, table to present any layout.
  5. Others can combine both texts and content layout from the same slide.

Importance of using power point.

1.      Can be used to organize and structure your presentation, create a professional and consistent format, provide an illustrative backdrop for the content of your presentation.
  1.   Can be used in teaching a class of many students (lectures).
  2.   It increase your employability.

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Audio aids are common teaching tools, and could include the use of a classroom stereo system or individual headsets.The teacher may record content on the audio or may take the audio which is already recorded and use it during the lesson. 

When a teacher wants to record a content using audio, he should consider the following.
-The content to be recorded should be on the hard copy.
-The font size should be large enough, in order to be seen clearly when reading during recording.
-The teacher should avoid the use of difficult terms.
-The teacher should be aware with punctuations such as full stop, comma and question mark.
 -The teacher should make a practice by reading the hard copy.
-When recording the environment should be conducive such as, there are no any other voices for                      interference.
-When recording the teacher should make sure that the voice is large enough.
-After recording, the teacher should edit the record in order to make sure it is clear. If is not clear he should     record again.

Also the teacher should consider the following when he wants to use the audio in the classroom.
-Before a lesson you should make sure that all equipments needed are available and work properly such as      DVD machine, speaker and amplifier. 
-When the lesson starts, a teacher should ask students to pay attention when the audio is on.
-After every concept the teacher should pause the audio and explain to the students the previous concept.  
-After the lesson teacher should place copies of audio of the lesson on reserve in the library, for students         who missed the lesson or would like to review the materials. 

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of using audio in teaching.

Advantages of using audio in teaching are as follows
-It helps students to develop listening skills, since now days there teaching programs on radio stations and       televisions.
-It helps to student know how to pronounce a word.
-It makes students to develop note taking skills.
-It suitable when the number of students is very large in the classroom, since now days there is the increase     of enrolment in all levels of education.

Disadvantages of using audio in teaching are as follows
-It is a one way communication.
-It is time consuming.
-It is expensive.

How technology is a tool in education, How technology is a catalyze in education, How technology is a medium in education?

Technology is the study of science and ideas about how things work and using this to build and make things
Technology can be defined as the studies and knowledge of the practical especially the use of scientific discoveries.

Generally, technology is scientific study, ideas, and knowledge of practical on how things work and using this to build and make things.
So technology has been dividing into two types which are traditional technology such as chalkboard, pointer, newspaper and modern technology like lap top internet, projector.
Therefore education technology refers to the application of devices or machines in solving the problem arising in education thus why technology in education can be both a tool, a catalyze and medium as follows.
Technology use as a tool in education through the use of different machines or devices like Computer in searching various materials which are so essential in academic issues so as to facilitate teaching and learning process where by the learners or teacher through the use of different website like goggle, g-mail, can get various meaning of different terminology concerned with the subject matter.  For example, what is education.
Technology as a tool used on well organization of materials in education through the use of laptop where by the learners or teacher could store the organized.  Materials purposely for representing facts concerned with the particular lesson during teaching and learning process hence ensure the subject to be understood well for learners which prevent the misuriderstanding between learners and teacher or among learners themselves concerned with lesson due to reducing complicated question since the lesson run smoothly.  For example, the teacher can store the materials and use it during teaching where the learners may receive different ideas, attitude and skills.
Calculator as a tools in education almost simplfy work especially when used in mathematics and geography in calculation involved such as finding mode and medium in grouped data in geography or calculating in mathematic instead of using brain which can lead into confusion, a teacher or learners could use calculator which on calculating the needed task hence use a short time to get the answers which are accuracy answers.
The use of mobile phone as a tools in education facilitate good communication between learners themselves or learners and teacher, through the use of mobile phone the learners could interact with other learners from other institution or school through face book, twitter and exchanging the materials concerned academic issues through the fax or teacher can provide the notes for learners through the email and each learners can get that notes through his/her email.
Also technology as catalyzer can encourage the developing of critical language skills such as the use of letters when teaching the elementary school always conduct in trial and error not only reputation of letters or alphabet but also using different songs may develop language skills such as pronunciation skills for example. 
If you are happy and you know claps your hands, if you are happy and you know clap your  hands, for kindergarten school.
Technology as catalyze in education can build long memory to learners through the use of pictures found in computer magazine and cinema concerning academic issue in visual audio like video or television the learners got the real concept about a particularly subject or lesson where by learners could arise the long memory by interacting directly to the concerned matter since will be difficult for them to forget.
For example watching for internally work such as Ngoma ya Ng’wanamalundi in Kiswahili literature.
Student can receive various reports from the teacher through mobile phone by communicating with him/her like information for excuse for not coming to school or work to be conducted in a specific time.
While technology used as catalyze in education because can create awareness, interest and attention to the learners during teaching and learning process fore instance the use of pictures photographs and songs motivate much the interest to the learners hence the learner being concentrated much towards the subject.
Educational productivity as technology being catalyzer in education through the information attended by learners from the internet, radio or television mostly make the learners to be practiced for example the materials available in interment are mostly used by student compared from those given by their teacher for institutional or college learners. 
Also through the interment or television someone can avoid himself or herself from drug abuse or sexually intercourse by visualizing the affects of involving on that during studying through pictures shown hence motivated himself or herself on academic issues.
Technology as catalyzer increase interaction among learners and their teachers especially when teacher use lap top or computer on teaching – learning process could spread the various pictures concerned a particular subject like biology in classification topic and allow the students to interpreter that picture concerned with the kingdom belong or sometimes teacher could ask a question for learners to  know the understanding capability of his/her learners which enable the teaching on evaluation prices as well as student discussion concerned with function of the particular picture could facilitate interaction among themselves.
Also technology used as medium in education because act as the channel through which the intended information reach to the learners, therefore the intended information or materials involved in academic issue can reach to intended learners through visualization, hearing or visualization and hearing and printed documents.
For example when teacher taught education for self reliance can use different speech from Mwl. Julius Kambarage Nyerere through the use of radio where learners could her what Nyerere says about Education for self reliance or a teacher can use television to teach literature like instead of studying books the learners could watching the television of video on visualizing and hearing those action done by the particular character of the concerned movie eg. Things fall Apart written by Chinua Achebe for secondary levels a teacher must use video so as to make easily understanding by learners and use short time on teaching it.
Students can receive various reports from the teacher through mobile phone by communicating with him/her like information for excuse for coming to school or work to be conducted in a specific time.
While technology used as catalyze in education because can create awareness, interest and attention to the learners during teaching and learning process fore stance the use of pictures photographs and songs motivate much the interest to the learners hence the learners being concentrated much towards the subject.
Therefore technology used both a tool, catalyze and medium in education but face some difficulties or challenges like technology is expensive such that few people can accommodate it.  Since many teachers and learners cannot afford to purchase difference devices that used in education like computer, laptop or projector because most of teachers and learners lack knowledge on how to use the technology in academic matter since national level these are more available in adversities although faced with shortage of experts (experienced teachers on the use of machines).  Therefore the teachers and learners in all levels could involve in the effectively use of local environment so as to integrated with technology and to make effective teaching and learning process.

Educational media and technology stimulate copying activities in schools. How can one use them and still control copying?

Education is an art of imparting and acquiring skills and knowledge .It can be formal or informal education.
Education is the form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of group of people are transferred from one generation to next generation through training, teaching and research .(http:// en. m.wikipedia .org/ wiki/ education).
Technology is the method, systems and devices of scientific knowledge being used for practical purpose (
Technology refers to the making modification .wages and knowledge tools, machinery, technique, crafts, systems and method of organization in order to solve a problem.(http;//en. m Wikipedia org/wiki/technology.)
Education technology refers to use of technology in education setting whether it is elementary, secondary, college and university and co
Operate training sites or independent study at home. The term education technology refers to instructional Use of computers, televisions and other kind of electronic hard ware and soft ware in educational.
Education media refers to the means of communication that reach many people at a once time. Education media are those all means used to communicate education issues for the purpose of informing or educating people. The media which are common and currently being used in educational setting can be classified into four main groups namely; audio-visual and digital media.
Education media and technology are important in schools such as enhance teaching and learning process as follows;
It helps to the language skills of the learners, where by learners acquires difference vocabulary or words from the media hence these modify their language skills. For example through the internet source one may acquire new vocabulary which he or she may use.
It is best way used to time since through the use media such as television, projector and radio. Teacher use them to deliver the subject content to students that took short period of time.
They are used to deliver information, media and technology are useful in delivering the information since explain the education and experience primitive or advanced societies. Where people may communicate in through language from the sound, print, graphics, or in electronics.
There are sources of teaching and learning materials, teachers and learners may acquire materials from different media such as internet; Google, twitter, these enhance teaching and learning activities to be easily conducted.
Increase the interest of the learners, where learners try to use various media such as television, computer which motivate them in their learning activities.
It is true that education media and technology stimulate copying activities in schools. Copying activities in schools these are activities conducted or done in schools to enhance the acquisition of skills and knowledge and skills. For example copying from internet, the displayed materials by projector, Television and other source from written materials such as books, news papers and magazines. Copying activities involve taking information done and in stored by someone in steady of contracting new ideas.
Copying activities in schools are influenced by different causes such as; citation for instance by courting  someone what he or she has written or spoken,  simplicity  obtaining information as well as the time given to accomplish the given assignment.
Copying contributes some negative effects to the process of teaching and learning like these follows;
Reduction of attention of learners, in steady of learner to concentrate on what is taught by teacher; they may concentrate much on copying the materials which are displayed by teacher for purpose of taking notes.
It lowers creativity of   the learner and teachers. This is when teacher fail to construct the new information or ideas that can be used in teaching or learning. In steady she or he copy direct the material thee media such as internet and books .And the learner s when they are given task they fail to discuss and construct new ideas by connecting the prior knowledge what they have and materials found in books and internet source.
Reduction of  understanding capacity of learner about the content of subject matter, this because the leaner constraint much on copying on the materials rather than understanding the materials that are being presented.
It mislead the Teacher about the performance of the learner especially in group work since the students may copy directly the answer of a given assignment from the sources like internet,, and different books.
It reduce critical thinking where by the Learners and Teachers copy directly materials of the topics or given assignment than thinking critically. By doing so this reduces the thinking capacity of learners and teachers.
It is possible to use education media and technology at the same time control copying activities in schools. Therefore some can use and control copying trough the following ways;
To be creative to be connecting the prior knowledge and what they get through technology and other printing sources media to create the new ideas.
Evaluate which topics are worth understanding by the teachers. Technology is especially for generating worthwhile and interesting topics. The internet provides wealth information about virtually every topic imaginable that can be mined to generate new topic or expand what students are studying as a part of curriculum.
Think about what students understood about the topic. When teachers consider using media and technology in the schools activities, it is important for them to think about the learning objectives .objectives might includes the learning a new concept or applying a key concept to relevant situation. A goal related to technology might to understand how to find and critically examine
To the teachers must pay attention on how students develop and demonstrate understanding. Use education media and technology to help students stretch their mind and understand something rather than depending much on copying.
To consider  how students and teachers asses learning. During ongoing assessment, the teachers must guide the students to in understanding what quality work involves or use peer collaboration to help students analyze and improve their work these can encourage students to assess their own learning progress using media and technology.
Choose the technology which can help students actively explore, construct and restructure information required for school activities. Look for soft ware that help students directly manipulate information.
A teacher must look ways to use education media and technology as a part of collaborative to the real –world or environment in learning process.
To check the sources that have gives the information, these means that not all information that are on line area correct there is other information that should correct before presented.
Giving time for the learners to pass through different source that gives information about the asked phenomena. Student should be assigned task to pass through different sources and check them so as to approve them.
Generally education media and technology stimulate copying activities in schools and possible to use them at the same time control copying ,however there are other challenges that face education media and technology such as resources, innovation, mind change, integration, workload issues, the purpose and professional development. Therefore the challenges that observed limit the education media and technology such that this limitation should be solved by doing so this will improve language skills, increase the interest of the learners and save time.




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