Friday, May 2, 2014



Leadership as been described as  a process of social influence in which one person  can enlist  the aid and support  of others  in the accomplishments of  common task .In discussing about the development of Japan especially in industrialization sector this encompasses with the selection of an effective leader to rule the whole community as one this was effectively began after entering into democratic nations in (1993) and leave the system of negotiations among of elite not directly one[1] .as the result of this system hence the new leadership of strong influence into important sector and put forward the policy to incite the development in all sector and brought about the industrialization and those important reforms and policy are as follows .
Introduction of cooperative governance based on strongly in business that each sector and ministry on that sector must make sure that there is strong interconnection with other ministry in brought  about economic growth they set up , about which production to be produced in specific sector and the investment goals on that production so that to promote economic growth and export expansion example the ministry of art and culture affairs they make sure that creating national treasures  to display those customary styles , poetry , painting in turn brought about culture identity  and international styles become winners example traditional reserve of Kabuki become visited by many people and hence brought about economic growth[2].
The campaign about family issue in birth control so that to reduce population the government made a strong state sponsored discipline on birth rate on avoiding high rate of dependency on both of the government and individualistic, that the policy began practically and the family must own only about two children to equip them in rearing situation with provisional of their basic needs[3].
Promotion in education  the government put much strength in promotion and rapid expansion in education  by make sure the priority is in technical training that they preserved important traditional  elements which provide aesthetic and spiritual satisfaction, at a mid rapid  economic change they prepare students from elementary  to the tertiary level  teacher emphases much to deal with technical training and their salary are graded in high amount this brought motivational to work hard and students become more efficient and creative to work example there a lot of architects , painters, designers and hence economic circulation become well articulated[4].
In military of the nation the government provide the opportunity to army group to engage on private creativity  thus the individual  have t make sure engage and make sure that they use most of their time  to develop  something  which could bring about economic prosperity example in  1968 the government  formed  a private  army  centered  on restoring  Japanese ideal most of them they become literature writer they wrote novel  example  Mishma  in 1970 he wrote his own novel and become distributed all over the world and this stimulate economic growth in one way another[5].
The good policy of creativity and working in creative way brought about mutual relationship among themselves, they ware em placing to work hard no matter the low wages that that they were given per month this made a great spirit of work together and produce something that will brought development. example the government discover that most of the  children they likely to use chopsticks when they eat and not knives and forks so more money was invested to produce chopstick  and promotion of that in education so that after finish their training they become well to produce them and increasing about economy in and outside[6] .
Promotion of their culture  the Japanese under the government  they also put much  effort on making  sure that  they preserved their culture , that after the end of world war one and two culture combinations  was not smoothly  so they use intellectual  creativity  on making sure that their culture is preserved through form strategy and taught in classroom, and  media to make sure that people are cooperate in this, they protest change  that not merely  to blend Western  and traditional styles  example Hiraoka Kimitoke  write a lot  about in his novel  and dramas about against the homosexuality which was campaigning by USA the Japanese against this interferences of culture.
Good foreign policy interim of trading activities of import  and export the government insure that capital also are investing in up to dates products in economic development, example  in technology most of products  became well  manufactured  and highly  ordered internationally example Japan they invest much in production of automobile technology which are exported and used in many part of the world and hence this save the rapid increases in economy .
It is true to argue that the economic stability and it is developments depend on the leadership  under creation of strong governance to make sure that they all work together as a team  under formation of good reforms and policy in all fields of economy to leads the economic prosperity  as the less developing countries they must make sure the take step to follow and reconstruct again their policy towards developments.

[1] N.Peter, World Civilization: The Global experience 3rd Edition Wisley Education Publishers London (2002), pg 251.

[2]  Ibid pg 256.

[3] G. Starr. A history of ancient world 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press-New York (1983), pg 92.

[4] Ibid pg94.
[5] A. Farah, World History the Human Experience, National Geographic Society, the Mc Graw-Hill companies New York (1997) pg 91.

[6]Ibid pg 95-96.

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