Colonialism is the situation where by
the European country to dominate weak nation in the World (
is the Practice by which a powerful country control other country or other
countries (Oxford dictionary, 2005)
Generally colonialism is a situation
whereby powerful nation control weak nation in a socially, economically, and
Colonialism was started in 15th
century whereby some European nations cross their border in African nations for
the aim for finding the five demands such as cheap labor, raw materials area
for investment market settlement[1].
Struggle for independence refers as a desire
to African people to rule themselves and to determinate and foreigner rule[2]
(Ndabaning Sithole, 1963)
The struggle for independence is the
time when a country gain’s freedom from political control by other country
(oxford dictionary, 2005).
Struggle for independence refer as a
resistance of as a national war (rebellions) of oppressed people (V.I.Lenin)
Generally, Struggle for independence
this implies the time the African people to struggle their independence and ending
the foreigner domination in all aspect of life socially, economically, politically
even cultural. Basically struggle for independence in the political of
Tanganyika people in the opposition to foreign domination but in favor of
Africa or native rule.
Elites refer to the group rather small
size group that is governed within a large society and has privileged status.
In their definition group of people considered to be the best in particular society.( .Also
elites is the group person or class enjoying, superior intellectual, socially
or economically status (oxford dictionary, 2005)
In General, Elites refers to both
educated and uneducated people were able to control the people or group of
people due to either processed or education level during colonialism example
Mwalimu Julius KambarageNyerere and Bibi titi.
Struggle for independence in Tanzania
began long time before the ending of the
second world war but for independence in
Tanzania bean with onset of colonialism, this war threatened with German invasion the people of mainland of Tanzania
arose to defend their country against colonial invasion example the first felt
along the coast this means the scale of opposition war not the same all over
Tanzania such as Abushiri and Bwana Heri the first resistance against German
coast (1888-1889), in the interior Mkwawa led the Hehe agency German
(1905-1907),Kinjekitile ngwale against German. Hence is a real the struggle for
independence in Tanzania as follow below;
It make foundation for struggle of
Independence ,popular base contributed much by building the foundation for come
elites people for continue with struggle example Mkwawa.
It created awareness about evils of colonialist.
The popular revealed the truth about the colonialist people, the evils as a
result which had done by the African the people as a result the people aware
about it, forinstance exploitation of African Resources[3].
To emphasize resistance, different
political circumstances could led African rulers into hostility altitudes
towards missionaries example the Haya chief called Rumanyika opposed all
mission activities probably became they had see Chaos, it had brought to
neighboring Buganda[4].
Apart from that, the elite’ people were
provided contribution for struggle independence of Tanzania, this can be
explained as follows;
Formation of political party, the elite’
people established a political party called Tanganyika Africa union which
originated from Tanganyika Africa association this political party to prepare
people of Tanganyika to self Government.
Establishment of different
associations. Through this association their agenda unity their strength, their
aimed of unifying people of Tanganyika to feel as one nation, hence the right
for independence example of association include Bukoba, Bahaya union 1935 under
It led awareness and consciousness; the
people of Tanganyika were unaware that if there united have a better chance of
succeeded the independence in defending independence.
To provide unity among the people,
elite played a great role to promote unity among the people of Tanganyika
through Swahili language, that brought people together, it used as a medium for
communication. He said “ignorance and
disunity” were indeed the problem of pre colonial Tanzania .He spoke these
words when he was at the village called Mbwamaji Ujamaa village.
To preach the event of colonialism,
through independence churches, these were formed by Africa national and church
of God in Tanganyika. This movement was not religious but also addressed economic,
social and political discontent such land alienation, forced labour, taxation
and discriminatory policies.
Motivated demand for equity and
inclusion. By the end of First World War most of Africa had been effective
colonized, European colonialist had managed to quell the effort by African the
resist the establishment of colonial rule. Elites in the early period of
struggle for independence they demanded opportunity and inclusion because the
colonialist treated Africans and discriminated them. These elites believed that
all human are created equally. Examples were those engaging in Maji Maji war in
1905-1907 hence the resistance.
To convince the united nation to grant
independence. The elites acted as a body to represent Tanzania in warred
political and depended the dignity and personality of the people.Nyerere
addressed the United Nations Organization (UNO) trusteeship council in New York
where he expressed Tanganyika wish for independence hence the UNO supervised
the preparation for Tanganyika independence.
Nyerere taught in several schools in
Tanzania between 1945 and 1952.They spread literacy which was needed in the
struggle for independence[5].
Before being a prime minister and the president of Tanganyika Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere
was a Teacher who taught in various schools where he increased consciousness to
Tanzanians hence they began the desire for freedom, he taught the various
things concerning to the struggle for independence and insisted unity among the
people of Tanganyika .Therefore many people became more conscious about
their rights, also they became aware
about the significance of independence due to literacy they got from the elite
Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere.
The volunteering of the leaders,
example Mwalimu J.K.Nyerere and others were able to go every corner of the
country to talk with the people especially elders and chiefs to find ways on
which they can mobilize all Tanganyika without discriminating them.
To sum up, the popular base and chief
people provided great role in struggling for independence in Tanganyika, this
means they shown strong opposition against colonialists’ harshness like
exploitation and humiliation. And these popular bases paved the way for the
elites to impart the knowledge of ant colonialism in Tanzania hence
independence were attained in Tanzania.
and Illife,J.(1968).Records of Maji
Maji.Nairobi.East Africa Publishers house
I.N. and Temu, A.J. (Eds) (1965).A
History of
Tanzania. Nairobi. East Africa Publishers house
Ndabaning,S.(1963).The History of East Africa. Zimbabwe.
Africa Publishers House.
(1975) A survey of East Africa History.Nairobi.East
Africa Publishers house.
and Ranger,O (1976).Revolt in southern Rhodesia
London.MacHill Publishers
Ogot,B.A (1975) A survey of East Africa
History.Nairobi.East Africa Publishers 253
Ndabaning,S.(1963).The History of East
Africa.Zimbabwe. East Africa Publishers 30
Terence.T.O and Ranger,O (1976).Revolt in
southern Rhodesia in 1896-1967.London.MacHill 100
Gwasa,G.C.K and Illife,J.(1968).Records
of Maji Maji.Nairobi.East Africa Publishers house.Pg 1-29
[5] Kimambo,
I.N. and Temu, A.J. (Eds) (1965).A
History of Tanzania. Nairobi. East Africa Publishers 40
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